Friday, January 22, 2010

Children Of Bipolar Parents Why Should Or Shouldn't Parents With Bipolar Children Be Required To Put Their Children On Medication ?

Why should or shouldn't parents with bipolar children be required to put their children on medication ? - children of bipolar parents

Please explain as many details as possible


Toralind... said...

Many drugs are never tested in children under 18 years because the doctors or psychiatrists are reluctant to diagnose diseases before that age in a series of changes that take place before that date.

Once you turn 18, can not force the parents to their children about drugs, even if they are diagnosed.

Katlyn said...

Hmm .... it should not be in a certain way because it was like the decision of parents to their children on these drugs.

I think I do not think that they are not forced, but I think the parents should do, because it is better for them and all could be, especially if the child has a kind of "extreme" bipolar Ness.

If all this makes sense

Katlyn said...

Hmm .... it should not be in a certain way because it was like the decision of parents to their children on these drugs.

I think I do not think that they are not forced, but I think the parents should do, because it is better for them and all could be, especially if the child has a kind of "extreme" bipolar Ness.

If all this makes sense

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