Monday, February 8, 2010

Herpes From Sleeping In A Bed Can You Get Herpes From Sleeping Next To Someone?

Can you get Herpes from sleeping Next to someone? - herpes from sleeping in a bed

You shingles on the side of his mouth next to someone who sleeps in his bed. Sleeping on the pillow. With out ever kissed?


dbarnes3 said...

Very unlikely. It would be a terrible pain in the implementation of drops on the pillow and you have more of this area of the pillow face ... Probably, if you herpes, sexual in old methods ... Sexual intercourse or oral sex with an infected person.

angel74 said...

No error is not

Sassy said...

Herpes is only through sexual contact. When you get to sleep next to someone who would, because it takes a toliet seat for the moment it is very unlikely, as the majority. So you can not, and I think I know quite well.

Exoilfei... said...

It depends on the quantity of drugs he took before bed.

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